Here's a little change of pace. Let's talk about global warming.
A few months ago, I worked on a radio adaptation of John Campbell's classic short story "Who Goes There?" Most people remember it as The Thing From Another World and The Thing. I set the script in the modern day, which referred to a frozen island that was now a mile further away from the coast of Antarctica than it had been a year before the story began.
I was never sure how controversial that little snippet of backstory was -- within the cast or the audience. There were questions about some other science bits, but not that.
This afternoon I stumbled on a news item. Here are three articles:
Antarctic ice shelf 'hanging by thread': European scientists
Antarctica's Wilkins Ice Shelf eroding at an unforeseen pace
Antarctic Ice Shelf Disintegration Underscores a Warming World
Here in the fact-based world, the Wilkins Ice Shelf didn't lose one or two measly square miles. It lost 160 square miles.Antarctica's Wilkins Ice Shelf eroding at an unforeseen pace
Antarctic Ice Shelf Disintegration Underscores a Warming World
And the audience at the live show thought we were scary. Sleep tight, kiddies.